The BIO-CAPITAL project

Mobilising Investments for Protecting and Restoring Biodiversity by Harnessing Innovative Financial Solutions and Advanced Geospatial Analytics

Biodiversity protection and restoration are critical for maintaining ecological balance and ensuring the planet’s sustainability. In the absence of sustainable management and protection of natural resources, the negative impacts of climate change and other environmental issues will only increase.

Private investment can be a critical tool with the potential to play a transformative role in financing conservation and restoration efforts, as public financing alone may be insufficient to address the scale of these challenges.

By activating innovative sustainable finance solutions and incorporating technological advances within the field of geospatial analytics, private investment can be leveraged in a way that benefits the environment and secures investors’ confidence.

BIO-CAPITAL is going to implement an interdisciplinary research and innovation endeavour by combining actions in the three fields of (i) biodiversity protection and restoration, (ii) biodiversity-friendly financing mechanisms and (iii) advanced space technology. Implementation will involve three key steps to leverage innovation:

  • BIO-CAPITAL will analyse, understand and learn from use cases.
  • BIO-CAPITAL will elaborate, monitor, and demonstrate through use cases.
  • BIO-CAPITAL will co-develop, implement and amplify back to the use cases.
  • BIO-CAPITAL will engage stakeholders, in order to reach shared views on these three steps and how they can be effectively combined to increase financial flows for biodiversity protection, restoration and sustainability.

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Team member

The use-cases of BIO-CAPITAL can successfully open the financial markets towards effective and wide support of sustainable forest-management practices.”

Alessandro Dolcetti
Expert in Sustainable Forestry Economics